Nisqually lecture series begins July 6. The 24th annual Summer Lecture Series will begin July 6 at Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge.
The 24th annual Summer Lecture Series will begin July 6 at Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge. This year’s series, titled “In Touch With Nature,” will feature talks on environmental topics ranging from big cats to tracking. The series begins with “Secrets of the Snow Leopard,” presented by Tom McCarthy. He is the executive director of the snow leopard program with Panthera, a wild cat conservation organization. The free lectures begin at 7 p.m. and are held at the refuge visitor center auditorium. The lectures typically last about one hour, with time for questions. Attendance is limited to 100 and seating starts at 6 p.m. on a first-come basis. The refuge entrance fee is waived for those attending the lectures. On lecture nights, the visitor center will be open until 7 p.m. and again after the lecture. For more information, call 360-753-9467. [LINK ]
PBS Frontline Documentary: Poisoned Waters
Tuesday April 21, 9 PM on KCTS Seattle Public Television
More than three decades after the Clean Water Act, two iconic waterways—the great coastal estuaries Puget Sound and the Chesapeake Bay—are in perilous condition. With polluted runoff still flowing in from industry, agriculture, and massive suburban development, scientists fear contamination to the food chain and drinking water for millions of people. A growing list of endangered species is also threatened in both estuaries. [Link]
Revolutionary Times: Catching the Wave of Change, Coastal Zone 9
July 19-23, 2009 in Boston, Massachusetts
“Our coastal and ocean landscape is changing, whether it’s the climate, shoreline, habitat, or even the people setting and implementing policy. Join us for Coastal Zone 9 (CZ09)…as we explore the many facets of change and share tools and information to help in managing our changing coastal and ocean resources.” [More]
3rd National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration
July 20-24, 2009 in Los Angeles, California
“To enhance your ability to successfully meet the myriad restoration challenges, we invite you to participate in the interdisciplinary 3rd National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration. This is your opportunity to expand your knowledge, share your experience, and network with colleagues from across various disciplines such as engineering, science, economics and the social sciences.” [More]
Estuaries and Coasts in a Changing World, CERF 2009 Conference
November 1-4, 2009 in Portland, Oregon
“Coasts and Estuaries in a Changing World is a very appropriate theme for a conference in the Pacific Northwest where oceanographic conditions, and climate changes strongly affect entire watersheds. We look forward to seeing you share the results of your research on this and other subjects in 2009 in Portland, Oregon.” [More]
Abstract Deadline: May 15, 2009