About the Nisqually Delta Restoration Project

Partner Organizations
After a century of diking off tidal flow, the Brown Farm Dike was removed to inundate 308 ha of the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) on 11 November 2009. along with 57 ha wetlands restored by the Nisqually Indian Tribe, the Nisqually Delta represents the largest tidal marsh restoration project in the Pacific Northwest to assist in recovery of Puget Sound salmon and wildlife populations. Over the past decade, the Refuge and close partners, including the Tribe and Ducks Unlimited, have restored more than 35 km of the historic tidal slough systems and re-connected historic floodplains to Puget Sound, increasing potential salt marsh habitat in the southern reach of Puget Sound by 50%. Estuarine restoration of this magnitude and the potential contribution to restoration science is unprecedented in Puget Sound. Because the mosaic of estuarine habitats, this large-scale restoration is expected to result in a considerable increase in regional ecological functions and services, representing one of the most significant advances to date towards the recovery of Puget Sound. The US Geological Survey is the lead science agency providing science support to document habitat development and ecosystem function with large-scale restoration.
Nisqually Delta Restoration Plan Map (click for larger view)
About The Website
This website is an unofficial informational outlet for groups working within the Nisqually Delta Restoration partnership. It is not an official website of the U. S. Government or any of the participating agencies. The partnership does not make any warranties or representations with respect to the content, quality, accuracy or completeness of any information or materials contained on the web site, including but not limited to: text, graphics, applications, databases, services, or any other information or materials. The information and materials contained on this web site have been compiled from a variety of sources and, as such, are subject to change without notice. Please contact the participating organizations directly for more specific details. For comments, suggestions or corrections regarding the information contained on this web site, please contact the webmaster at Avian Design.